Partners in Love

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''Inspired by real beauty, we capture light and deliver love.''

Partners in love, Akis Zaralis and Kate Avramidou, share their story and their biggest passion – photography.


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Kate is a beautiful Welsh girl that decided to move in Greece, to fulfill her biggest dream - becoming a destination wedding photographer. She is obsessed with whatever has to do with art and expression and despite her 24 years of age, she has been a part of lots of different projects, from modelling to acting (she even participated in Game of Thrones). Holder of an English Literature and Creative Writing degree, Kate is a classical piano player with a newly acquired hobby in pole dancing. Self-taught with an instilled inclination to the art form of photography, has spent countless hours and resources in pursuing her dream, to become what she now is.


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Photography is a way of expression for both Akis and Kate and their style diversity makes their work cohesive and complete. ‘We really miss each other when we're not together but we help and support one another so much and that’s makes us the best team’, says Kate.


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Akis Zaralis is a well known yet humble wedding and christening photographer from Trikala, Greece who loves artistic photography and works in his own distinctive way. Studied photography in Thessaloniki and returned to his roots to run his own company. Being a former musician, unconventional and truly openminded, helped him to express his feelings through photography and capture inspiring emotions and pure beauty. Meeting Kate changed his entire life, as from the first moment he knew that she was the one.


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Akis: ‘Working with Kate and sharing my life with her, changed my whole perspective and made me what I am today. She is my Guardian Angel in work and life. I admire her and  feel really grateful being with her. Even though we don't work together much, we have a common dream and strong ambition, getting in the fashion industry and giving it a full hearted shot.’


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Being best friends and lovers, Akis and Kate's bonding is reflected in the powerful pictures they deliver. Despite their working seperately as two different brands, when creating together their connection is strong and real that gives an amazing result full of art and high aesthetic. Willing to discover more, they travel everywhere to follow their passion and capture faschinating photos.

We can’t wait to see more from these two!


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